Men's skin is naturally oily and thus the men's facial skin is very susceptible to several kinds of spots. These spots usually occur due to sun tanning, excessive oily skin and acne.
The spots on the facial skin affect majority of the young men and more than 75% of the male teenagers across the globe. The acne and skin spots usually last till the time men reach their early twenties but for many it lasts for even longer.
These pimples and ugly skin spots are usually caused due to improper skin care during the teenage years and one of the mistakes that the teenager males usually commit is improper cleansing.
In order to prevent tanning and acne, there are several simple preventive steps that can be adopted and one of the major ones is to use the best face wash for men like Whiskers Charcoal Face Wash regularly.
The major reasons that cause face acne and tanning
Overexposure to sun rays
Over-secretion of sebum
Letting the bacteria in the skin
Accumulation of the dead cells in the skin pores
How to build an ideal skincare regimen to get rid of face acne & tanning?
1. First of all, you should cleanse your oily skin very thoroughly twice a day with an effective facial cleansing wash. You should make this a regular skin care regimen which would eventually make your skin feel revitalized and healthy.
2. Once you have cleaned your face with a cleanser, you should then use a toner which helps you in tightening the pores of the skin. One important thing that is to be kept in mind is that the toner that you choose should be formulated for the sensitive skin so that there are no chances of your skin getting irritated under any circumstances.
3. Once you have used a toner, and then apply a moisturizer which would sooth as well as repair all your skin barriers.
4. As men's skin is around 30% tougher than the women's, it is very necessary to use an exfoliating scrub like Whiskers Walnut shell powder face scrub which helps in preventing the dead skin cells from accumulating and blocking the skin pores.
5. You should also avoid using hair styling products which are greasy as they usually slide down on the facial skin and are trapped in the skin pores.
6. In case you notice tanning and pimples on your chest and back, you should necessarily use a body wash or a shower gel which have the rich ingredients like salicylic acid.
7. You should also take a shower at the earliest after your exercise session as sweaty skin increases the chances of bacterial growth on the skin. You should also make it a point to remove all your gym clothes at the earliest and wash them thoroughly before you use it again.
8. In case you sweat more than normal, you should always carry a spare T-shirt so that you can change once your clothes are wet due to heavy perspiration.
9. You should change your razor blade at regular intervals in case you have the issue of shaving bumps. In such cases, you should also avoid shaving very often and too closely.
10. Whenever you have an acne/pimple, you should not under any circumstances scratch or squeeze the pimples. This leads to an even worse outcome as the inflammation increases and at the same time scarring occurs.
Following the above skin care tips and using the Whiskers Charcoal Face Wash regularly would help you in removing the blackheads, impurities, excess sebum and tanning from your skin and give you that much wanted glow on your skin. Use the best face wash for men and see how it brings back the flawless skin that you always wanted.
Charcoal Face Wash by Whiskers is an ultimate fighter equipped with awesome properties of activated charcoal that targets trapped impurities for deep cleansing. It removes excess oil and purifies the skin naturally. Very effective in acne and pollution control. Along with dirt, dust and grime, the Whiskers Charcoal Facewash also eliminates bacteria.
Whiskers Charcoal Facewash cleans out excess oil and impurities in a single wash, leaving your face looking fresh and charming. Face it, a woman prefers a man who can get his hands dirty, but has a clean face & of course a good heart. The power of charcoal, to not just clean the excess oil, but also keep the skin from getting oily soon after, is what makes Whiskers Charcoal Facewash the best facewash for oily skin.
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